Tuesday 18 December 2012

Magazine Questionnaire Analysis

1. What gender are you?            Male ///// ///// ///           Female ///// //

2. How old are you?          10-13 //            14-17 ///// ///// /           18-21 ///// /            22+ /

3. For what reasons do you buy music magazines? For the...        

Artists ///// //          main article //             music genre ///// /////           information /             

4. Do you listen to R&B music?           Yes ///// ///// ///// ////              No /   

5. Name 3 of your favourite R&B artists:    Rihanna; Chris Brown; T.I, Usher, Trey Songz, Drake.

6. How much would you be willing to pay for an R&B magazine?  

50p-£1          £1-£2 /////             £2-£3 ///// /////            £3+ /////

7. What name do you think sounds most effective & catchy?

Tune        Equaliser /       The Beat ///// ///        musicology        Atmosphere //        Noise ///// ///      

Loud         Louder /

8. What are your favourite type of articles?

Comedy //        Real Life stories //        Information /////           Interviews ///// ///// /     

9. What would you like to be included in an R&B magazine?

Celebrity styles (R&B artists) ///// /////           Exclusive interviews /////          Celebrity posters /////

10. Do you like advertisement included in magazines?

Yes //             No ///// /////          I don't mind ///// ///

So according to my results, most people read music magazines because they are fans of the artist on the from. So, in order for my magazine to sell successfully, I will have to include popular R&B artists. 

Friday 7 December 2012

Reader Profile

Reader Profile
My target audience is around 14+. Younger children do not really listen to R&B music as much as older people, as a lot of this music has inappropriate language and references included. What will my target audience interests be?
  • New/up & coming artists
  • Artist looks/fashion
  • Exclusive interviews
  • Music news
  • Artist gossip

This article is from a website, giving advice on Teenagers as a magazine target audience. The teenage magazine market, while potentially very lucrative, also tends to be very volatile. Population trends are currently working in favour of the market, which also benefits from the fact that many teenage girls are keen readers of magazines, which can have an important influence on the habits and attitudes of this age group. On the more negative side, however, young people are notoriously fickle in their tastes, and magazines need to work hard to keep their loyalty.


This suggests that in order to successfully reach my target audience, i must research and find out what their main likes and dislikes are now. If i include an old interest, my magazine will not be very successful. 

Tuesday 4 December 2012

Music Magazine Questionnaire


1. What gender are you?            Male            Female

2. How old are you?          10-13              14-17              18-21              22+

3. For what reasons do you buy music magazines? For the...        

Artists           main article              music genre            information              

4. Do you listen to R&B music?           Yes               No    

5. Name 3 of your favourite R&B artists:

6. How much would you be willing to pay for an R&B magazine?  

50p-£1          £1-£2              £2-£3             £3+

7. What name do you think sounds most effective & catchy?

Tune        Equaliser        The Beat         musicology        Atmosphere         Noise

8. What are your favourite type of articles?

Comedy         Real Life stories         Information            Interviews      

9. What would you like to be included in an R&B magazine?

Celebrity styles (R&B artists)            Exclusive interviews           Celebrity posters

10. Do you like advertisement included in magazines?

Yes              No           I don't mind