Tuesday 4 December 2012

Music Magazine Questionnaire


1. What gender are you?            Male            Female

2. How old are you?          10-13              14-17              18-21              22+

3. For what reasons do you buy music magazines? For the...        

Artists           main article              music genre            information              

4. Do you listen to R&B music?           Yes               No    

5. Name 3 of your favourite R&B artists:

6. How much would you be willing to pay for an R&B magazine?  

50p-£1          £1-£2              £2-£3             £3+

7. What name do you think sounds most effective & catchy?

Tune        Equaliser        The Beat         musicology        Atmosphere         Noise

8. What are your favourite type of articles?

Comedy         Real Life stories         Information            Interviews      

9. What would you like to be included in an R&B magazine?

Celebrity styles (R&B artists)            Exclusive interviews           Celebrity posters

10. Do you like advertisement included in magazines?

Yes              No           I don't mind

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