Tuesday 18 December 2012

Magazine Questionnaire Analysis

1. What gender are you?            Male ///// ///// ///           Female ///// //

2. How old are you?          10-13 //            14-17 ///// ///// /           18-21 ///// /            22+ /

3. For what reasons do you buy music magazines? For the...        

Artists ///// //          main article //             music genre ///// /////           information /             

4. Do you listen to R&B music?           Yes ///// ///// ///// ////              No /   

5. Name 3 of your favourite R&B artists:    Rihanna; Chris Brown; T.I, Usher, Trey Songz, Drake.

6. How much would you be willing to pay for an R&B magazine?  

50p-£1          £1-£2 /////             £2-£3 ///// /////            £3+ /////

7. What name do you think sounds most effective & catchy?

Tune        Equaliser /       The Beat ///// ///        musicology        Atmosphere //        Noise ///// ///      

Loud         Louder /

8. What are your favourite type of articles?

Comedy //        Real Life stories //        Information /////           Interviews ///// ///// /     

9. What would you like to be included in an R&B magazine?

Celebrity styles (R&B artists) ///// /////           Exclusive interviews /////          Celebrity posters /////

10. Do you like advertisement included in magazines?

Yes //             No ///// /////          I don't mind ///// ///

So according to my results, most people read music magazines because they are fans of the artist on the from. So, in order for my magazine to sell successfully, I will have to include popular R&B artists. 

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